Wednesday, October 16, 2019

“Tentative Steps Forward” (South Bay Polys #277 - March 2019)

After the doubts and questionings of the past few months, I can suggest a few guidelines for poly folks.

-Know and understand yourself.  Then be true to yourself and respect yourself.

-Know and understand others.  Respect them.

-Learn to respect and support the people you care about—even if they do not want the same level of involvement with you that you would like with them.  Understand the critical necessity of consent in relationships.

-Decide what “polyamory” means to you.  Is it different from “free love” and “casual sex?”  Do you consider your own polyamory a “choice” or a “necessity?”  Could you ever “give up” polyamory?

-Are you “sex-positive?”  To what extent?  What is your comfort level with your own sexuality and that of others?  Accept that other people may have different comfort levels.

-Understand that polyamory or monogamy may not be a choice for others.  Keeping that in mind, do not attempt to “convert” a monogamous person to polyamory.  Support their relationship choices!  If you are polyamorous and you are attracted to someone for whom monogamy is a necessity, respect their orientation!

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