So our September meeting falls on “Talk Like a
Pirate Day!” This has never happened
before. All I can think to say is
“Arrrrgh” (or is that “Rrrrr?”).
So it’s a funny day, but illustrates how the way we
talk influences the way we think and the way other people think of us. I’ve been skirmishing a bit on Facebook with
people who object to “Political Correctness;” also with people who use the word
“privilege” differently than I grew up using it. Anyway, maybe we can chat a little about how
we talk to others about our polyness.
I’ve just started seeing some new people, which has
led to discussions of my approach to polyamory, and theirs. We’ve shared stories of our past and current
How to communicate?
Honestly--and as opening as possible!
Kidding aside, it’s important that you come to
terms with your own personality and understand your own needs. Then it’s important to be able to explain
them to others. And then it’s important
to be able to listen to those people you are interested in becoming
involved with, to understand their personalities and their needs.
Otherwise, one of you may feel like you are talking
to a pirate--perhaps one with a difficult-to-decipher (Scottish? Australian?
Jamaican?) accent. And you want
to be talking and understanding one another on a fairly deep level, before you
go getting involved!
“Sail on and prosper!”