Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day 2014

Remembering my uncle, who fought in the Pacific in World War II.

Remember my father, in the American Red Cross for something like 30 years -- almost entirely with the U.S. military -- including the Philippines, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, and Germany

Remembering all the people I knew while living on airbases -- that would be about 13 years of my life -- in the U.S., Japan and Germany; plus 2 years living a few blocks from an airbase -- including Col. Morgan, who went missing over Vietnam.

Remembering my mother who bore this all and put up with years of my father being away, while she cared for 3 children.

Thinking of my sisters -- the 3 of us were profoundly affected by our connections with the military.

And thinking of our responsibility, as members of a republic, to use our military wisely and not send people to kill or be killed for questionable motives.

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